Friday, 16 January 2015

Production Logo

We were have been working on the logo for our production company, and we decided that we needed to make the designs dark and mysterious to suit the thriller aspect of our company. We settled with the name "Zenith Productions", as the term zenith means the highest point or most powerful and successful. We thought that this would be a  suitable name for a company, as it shows the desire and ambition of our company. The name relates to our target audience, as it is aimed at people 15 years or older, as younger people would not understand the term "zenith".

We created a draft for our logo in which we decided to use a silhouette of the Crooked Spire. We thought this would work well as our film is thriller aimed and needs to set a dark and mysterious atmosphere, which I think the logo does. We also designed the so that the "Zenith" is vertical, and the "Productions" is horizontal, with the letter "I" in the words creating a connection between the two. We did this because it links with the name of "Zenith" and visually shows the viewer the height symbolism.

Here is the first draft of the logo:

Here is the updated draft with a change in the font:

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Thriller final Title and Plot


We were unsure of what to name our thriller at the time, due to lack of creativity, so we used an online thesaurus and typed in two key words which our thriller was based on. These key words were "political illusion" which got changed to "Constitutional Mirage". The name seemed too long for a title, and may have confused a potential audience for our film, so we changed the title to our film to simply "Mirage". We felt that this suited the film really well, as our protagonist is unsure whether the figure he is seeing a real or a hallucination.


The film focuses upon a young man who has took a job for the government, which he is ecstatic about because it is a high paying job. The job isn't all that he thinks, as it turns out he has been transferred to a human testing division, before getting tested on himself. He manages to escape but starts suffering from several hallucinations, which he is unsure whether they are real or not. He also suffers from flash-backs during his escape, which lets the audience establish what he has been through, and where he has escaped from. The escape and the flashbacks will be the opening two minutes of our thriller.

Thriller Storyboard

We created a storyboard so that the plan of our thriller is clear and laid out for us, and not only shows others what our thriller is going to be about, but also makes it much easier for us to plan what is going to happen on the day. The use of describing which camera angles to use and drawing a picture of what we expect is to look like makes it a lot easier for us to envisage what we want the shots to look like.

Below is our storyboard: